
Monday, July 26, 2010

Whatta Year...

As I look back on the past year, it's amazing how different my life is than how I expected it to me. I won't go into details out of respect for the wishes of the involved parties, but about this time last year, if I have my dates right, was one of the absolute dark pits of my life. I was sure I would never make a comeback. Those of you who know me well probably got sick of my sob stories and self-depreciating, so I want to tell you just how much I love, appreciate, and remember your support and encouragement. My friends mean the world to me, you really do, and I hope at some point in my life to repay you for everything you guys have given me. There, sappy part over.

I've heard it said that real growth comes out of adversity, and I would say now that this is true. I don't think I understood real humility until this past year. I never knew what it was like to feel truly, indefensibly wrong, and it damn near broke me in half. I'm sure there will always be some wonder in my mind as to what could have/should have gone differently, but at the same time, I think I really began to understand what it is to be gracious towards other people in the past year. People define themselves enough by their shortcomings, without me helping them see just how short they are. Nothing hurt by ability to grow as a person as much as being told how big or obvious my faults were, but what did help was the steady, stern encouragement of my friends and most of all my mother and brother. These two magnificent people have never failed to see the best in me and remind me of it. We need those voices in our lives.Okay, so the sappy part probably won't ever end.

As of now, I'm definitely not where I thought I'd be. I thought by 26 I would be married, looking to settle down, and focusing on starting a family. Instead, I'm single, working on yet another big degree, and definitely not even thinking of a family. And the weird part is that I'm okay with that. I love what I do. Sociology is an incredible field, full of insightful perspectives and real geniuses who I am so fortunate to spend time around. I feel like what I study makes a difference, not just career wise but in terms of the ideas I get the chance to spread to other people. Like Dr. Borch says, I'm starting to become an "Evangelical Sociologist."

The friends I've made in the past year are awesome. The Rojo crowd kicks ass, just so you know. It's always a blast and a half to laugh, talk, and wiffle with you guys on Wednesdays and Sundays, and all the in between. Limbo has been good, although i'm still a newbie and thus unqualified to make a reasonable promotion.

Anyway, this rambling has been particularly rambling. Guess I just wanted to say that I'm grateful for the folks I know, and the best is yet to come.

Peace Out, Yo.

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