
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 6 - This Land is Beautiful

Alright, so it is borderline impossible to be in a bad mood in Arizona. There is no way to describe just how beautiful this state is, other than to say that the desert based lyrics and music of U2's "The Joshua Tree" comes closer to capturing the experience of being in this land than anything else I can think of. It is both so ascetically incredible and completely desolate.

I did about an hour of good work on my dissertation and theory writing this morning. I doubled my reading of Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism to both get my work for next week's class done and to inform my writing about my thesis topic. The more I do it, the more I am in love with the idea of getting a bit of the work I need to do over the long term done at a time. I feel no stress whatsoever, and that is a real accomplishment for me.

I ran three miles in Tucson. Once again, this place is gorgeous, and I loved breathing the light desert air and watching the changing scenery go by as I got my workout in for the day. The whole morning run got me energized and ready for the day.

I spent $19 today, of which $7 was spent on some groceries for the next couple of days. While I've been budgeting pretty well, I can't get under $10 on a day. It seems travelling makes it really hard to keep from spending money, but this will probably only get worse in Vegas. All I can say is please pray for me.

That's all I have for the night, and I'm going to go enjoy a good night's rest and get back to it in the morning.

Peace and Love.

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