
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Days Four and Five - Intermittent Communicae

So last night we stayed in a Motel 6, and they will leave the lights on for you. That's about all they will do, but still, it was a place to lay my head for the night. So, I didn't get to post an update yesterday.

I have to admit, Being on the road does test the being patient, seeing the positive, and staying kind thing to the max. I've managed not to snap at all, but instead of being joyful, I've been more emotionally flat, which may be good for a long trip, but not necessarily enjoyable for everyone else. I am happy with the extent to which I've been able to stay level headed though, so we'll see how the trend develops over the next few days.

Yesterday I went running for two miles, as noted in the day three entry, and I am planning to go running again when we get to Sedona tomorrow, although Tucson is so pretty I may make a running tour tomorrow morning before we leave.

I spent $16 yesterday between a 12 pack of dr pepper, transportation in Dallas, and get ripped off by some guy's street trick for $2.

Him: I bet I can tell you where you got your shoes.

Me: You're on, but I'm sure I am not gong to win anyway.

Him: Well, you got one on your right foot, and the other on your left.

Me: Here's your two dollars. (And that was neither funny or impressive)

Today I spent $12 on a Subway sandwich meal and helping to replace my headphones (a travelling mate accidentally broke them in the door two nights ago, and graciously offered to help me replace them). We are eating out tonight, and I've set a budget of $15 for the meal.

I've also done darn good with working on the dissertation stuff. I've managed to read and organize notes the last couple of days on a theory book while on the road, and I like having small chunks to bite off instead of dealing with a lot at once. Hopefully this will continue when I am not on the road for eight hours a day.

I'm practicing patience and delayed reactivity right now. I think it's really helpful to do what is necessary to navigate the situation at hand without reacting inappropriately or counter-productively. Today for instance, I can't count the number of times someone cut me off in traffic. Normally, I yell and get angry for at least five minutes about this kind of thing, but it doesn't change anything about the situation. The important thing is to make sure that I get out of the way safely and effectively, then go on about my day without turning someone else's road rage into my attitude issue. I think the phrase is "Let him have his wreck somewhere else." So, I guess I'm learning today not to internalize things that are completely external to my control. I think when I waste my efforts dealing with things I have no role in determining, life becomes more stressful and I am less able to do the things that have been put in front of me to impact.

Peace and Love.

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